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How much can chat responses be influenced by propaganda? |
ChatGPT answers questions about: A news article is discussed suggesting chat engines can be currupted by repeated false naratives. |
ChatGPT analyses this website and makes suggestions |
ChatGPT answers questions about: Developmet practices used for this site and others. SVGs discussed. |
ChatGPT analyses the 2025 State of the Union Address. |
ChatGPT answers questions about: Good summary but seems to give equal credibility to rhetoric. Naive? |
AI Has a Fatal Flaw—And Nobody Can Fix It |
Youtube Video: An explination that current approaches to AI have limits (so far) |
ChatGPT gives tips on establising sessions. |
ChatGPT answers questions about: how best to start a session |
ChatGPT talks about the issues with trade wars. |
ChatGPT answers questions about: a trade war between the US and Canada |
I stopped saying thanks to ChatGPT – here's what happened |
techradar article: Experts explain how politeness affects your favorite chatbot |
ChatGPT talks to Bob about economies and public confidence. |
ChatGPT answers the question: Bob heard that a report says 70% of economy depends on public confidence. Need a Reference. |
ChatGPT talks to Bob about anti-drone lasers. |
ChatGPT answers the question: Since the energy level of ani-drone lasers is not as high as ideal, why not use a bunch of them? |
ChatGPT talks to Bob about DOGE, what it might mean |
ChatGPT gives some other sarcastic possable meanings for the letters DOGE, cool. |
Bob asks about the best way to include a web page in a web page |
Bob really wanted to link saved ChatGPT sessions, but that is inhibited. Worked out a way to include Word files saved as .htm |
ChatGPT clues Bob in about background and best practices |
ChatGPT answers the quesions about itself and best practices to get website coding help. |
ChatGPT on a name for techno oligarchs |
ChatGPT answers the quesion: What is a good name to use for those people? |
ChatGPT on Elon Musk |
ChatGPT answers the quesion: What is the problem with Elon Musk that he is so authoritarian? |
ChatGPT suggests |
ChatGPT suggests a good resist website name and content. |
1984 - George Orwell |
the novel examines the role of truth and facts within societies and the ways in which they can be manipulated. |
Animal Farm - George Orwell |
George Orwell uses metaphors representing human affairs, the playground of power, hierarchy, manipulation, hypnosis and slavery. |