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   ChatGPT Says

  This site asks ChatGPT questions you might want answered,
  and shows what ChatGPT says about it.

  Here are some posts from around the Web


How much can chat responses be influenced by propaganda?
ChatGPT answers questions about: A news article is discussed suggesting chat engines can be currupted by repeated false naratives.

ChatGPT analys​es this website and makes suggestions
ChatGPT answers questions about: Developmet practices used for this site and others. SVGs discussed.

ChatGPT analys​es the 2025 State of the Union Address.
ChatGPT answers questions about: Good summary but seems to give equal credibility to rhetoric. Naive? 

AI Has a Fatal Flaw—And Nobody Can Fix It
Youtube Video: An explination that current approaches to AI have limits (so far)

ChatGPT gives tips on establising sessions.
ChatGPT answers questions about: how best to start a session

ChatGPT talks about the issues with trade wars.
ChatGPT answers questions about: a trade war between the US and Canada

I stopped saying thanks to ChatGPT – here's what happened
techradar article: Experts explain how politeness affects your favorite chatbot

ChatGPT talks to Bob about economies and public confidence.
ChatGPT answers the question: Bob heard that a report says 70% of economy depends on public confidence. Need a Reference.

ChatGPT talks to Bob about anti-drone lasers.
ChatGPT answers the question: Since the energy level of ani-drone lasers is not as high as ideal, why not use a bunch of them?

ChatGPT talks to Bob about DOGE, what it might mean
ChatGPT gives some other sarcastic possable meanings for the letters DOGE, cool.

Bob asks about the best way to include a web page in a web page
Bob really wanted to link saved ChatGPT sessions, but that is inhibited. Worked out a way to include Word files saved as .htm

ChatGPT clues Bob in about background and best practices
ChatGPT answers the quesions about itself and best practices to get website coding help.

ChatGPT on a name for techno oligarchs
ChatGPT answers the quesion: What is a good name to use for those people?

ChatGPT on Elon Musk
ChatGPT answers the quesion: What is the problem with Elon Musk that he is so authoritarian?

ChatGPT suggests
ChatGPT suggests a good resist website name and content.

1984 - George Orwell
the novel examines the role of truth and facts within societies and the ways in which they can be manipulated.

Animal Farm - George Orwell
George Orwell uses metaphors representing human affairs, the playground of power, hierarchy, manipulation, hypnosis and slavery.

  Ask ChatGPT yourself, it wants to know: What can I help with?